Tri-Art Manufacturing
Tri-Art B-series 24V DC Battery Power Supply
Tri-Art Audio recognizes problems associated with batteries. The most common problem is a general misunderstanding about how and when to recharge a particular type of battery. There are batteries that last longer when they are drained completely before being charged, there are batteries that cannot fall below a certain voltage level, etc. We make our Battery Pack simple for our users:
- plug the AC power supply cord into your wall socket and the XLR connector into the Battery Pack input jack
- plug the Battery Pack output jack into the power supply input of the device you’re powering, and turn on the switches.
- if you want to take the AC power supply completely out of the chain, simply turn it off and the battery will take over completely.
Our batteries like being charged so you don’t have to worry about when to turn the charger off or on if the Battery Pack drops below a recommended voltage.